
rrool's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 80 (From 37 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,170 Points


Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/380 points)

Beginning of the End 5 Points

Start the game

Found the Screwdriver 5 Points

Find the screwdriver

Found Beer 5 Points

Get the beer

Found the Flower 5 Points

Get the flower

Found the Key 5 Points

Get the key

Found the Matches 5 Points

Get the matches

Found the Newspaper 5 Points

Get the newspaper

Found the Oxygen Tank 5 Points

Get the oxygen tank

Found the Rope 5 Points

Get the rope

Found the Telescope 5 Points

Get the telescope

Found the Wheel 5 Points

Get the wheel

Finish Chapter Four 10 Points

End of chapter four

Finish Chapter One 10 Points

End of chapter one

Finish Chapter Three 10 Points

End of chapter three

Finish Chapter Two 10 Points

End of chapter two

Finish Prologue 10 Points

End of prologue

Finish Chapter Five 25 Points

End of chapter five

Finish the Game! 50 Points

End of the game

Be a Friend 100 Points

It's okay just to be present sometimes

Watch Credits 100 Points

Watch credits

Escape Area 15 Day 3

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)

Hit the town! 5 Points

Go to town!

Dog pound 10 Points

Get rid of the dog!

High 25 Points

Climb up high!

Make contact! 25 Points

Communicate with your planet!

Word! 50 Points

You got the word!

Sleep! 100 Points



Medals Earned: 1/1 (100/100 points)

Home Run Through 100 Points

Submit a final score of more than zero (kill somebody)

Fall Guy: Ultimate Challenge

Medals Earned: 1/2 (100/200 points)

Starter Guy 100 Points

Start The Game

Coin Collector 100 Points

Get 100 Coins

Help the Hero!

Medals Earned: 9/10 (65/115 points)

LEVEL1 5 Points

Beat Level1

LEVEL2 5 Points

Beat LEvel 2

LEVEL3 5 Points

Beat Level 3

LEVEL4 5 Points

Beat Level 4

LEVEL5 5 Points

Beat Level 5

LEVEL6 5 Points

Beat Level 6

LEVEL7 5 Points

Beat Level 7

LEVEL8 5 Points

Beat Level 8

LEVEL9 25 Points

Beat Level 9


Last more than 150 seconds in challenge mode.

Interstate Drifter 1999

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/190 points)

Find 50 bits 5 Points

Pick up the little green bits or bytes

Reach state A 5 Points

Get to the end of easy route

Find 100 bits 10 Points

Pick up the little green bits or bytes

Reach state B 10 Points

Get to the end of medium route

Win rival race A 10 Points

Beat the green car

Find 150 bits 25 Points

Pick up the little green bits or bytes

Find all flops 25 Points

In each level, there is one FLOP

Reach state C 25 Points

Get to the end of hard route

Win rival race B 25 Points

Beat the white car

Win rival race C 50 Points

Beat the grey car

It's a Nice Day Today

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Failure to Communicate 5 Points

Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.


Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/40 points)

I still can't see through her lies. 5 Points

But will she love me now that I can see at all?

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Do you love me, Mother? 5 Points

You might earn this for winning her affection.

Oh, right, KOLM! 25 Points

That should have been obvious from the start.

Kill Baby Hitler

Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/175 points)

Mission Accomplished 10 Points

You accomplished your mission, and suffered the consequences.

Baby Hitler 5 Points

Looks more like it...

Mission Failed 10 Points

You failed your mission, and suffered the consequences.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/3 (105/205 points)

Go Home 100 Points

There's a warm meal waiting for you.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Beetle Battle 100 Points

Defeat the boss.