
rrool's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 80 (From 37 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,170 Points

Portal Defenders

Medals Earned: 3/23 (15/540 points)

Big Fuzzy Hug 5 Points

Defeat BigFuzzyKitten.

First Blood 5 Points

Hit your first enemy.

Jump-Man 5 Points

Press the jump button to take flight!.

Exasperated 5 Points

View the game walkthrough.

Konami 5 Points

Toggle Halloween Mode on or off.

Chamber Maid 10 Points

Defeat Mindchamber.

Fishmonger 10 Points

Defeat Psycho-Goldfish.

ZAMBONI 10 Points

Get 80% or more on P-bot's cleanup mini-game.

Ambiguous Duo 25 Points

Defeat Stamper & Jeff.

BFFs 25 Points

Best Friends Forever! Beat the game with both Tom and Dan.

Hollow Weiner 25 Points

Beat the game in Halloween Mode.

Nose Diver 25 Points

View every game-over ending (1 for each wave).

Zombiieez! 25 Points

Eat 5 brains in one game.

Finesser 50 Points

Beat the game without using bombs.

King of the Portal 50 Points

Send the game's final boss back to the abyss.

Kitty Litter 50 Points

Defeat the Kitty Krew without taking any damage.

Vegan 50 Points

Beat the game without eating any guts.

Over-achiever 100 Points

Beat the game at least once with all 6 characters.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Shark Lifting 2

Medals Earned: 1/33 (5/1,530 points)

First Flight 5 Points

Your very first flight!

Caribbean Reef Shark 5 Points

Lift a Caribbean Reef Shark!

First Ride 5 Points

Your very first ride!

Nurse Shark 5 Points

Lift a Nurse Shark!

Porbeagle Shark 5 Points

Lift a Porbeagle Shark!

Sandbar Shark 5 Points

Lift a Sandbar Shark!

Bignose Shark 10 Points

Lift a Bignose Shark

Getting Famous 10 Points

You got on the cover of Sharks Illustrated!

Goblin Shark 10 Points

Lift a Goblin Shark!

Shortfin Mako Shark 10 Points

Lift a Shortfin Mako Shark!

Silvertip Shark 10 Points

Lift a Silvertip Shark!

Blue Shark 25 Points

Lift a Blue Shark!

Lemon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Lemon Shark!

Salmon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Salmon Shark!

Sand Shark 25 Points

Lift a Sand Shark!

Bigeye Thresher Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bigeye Thresher Shark!

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bluntnose Sixgill Shark!

Bull Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bull Shark!

Copper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Copper Shark

Dusky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Dusky Shark!

Hammerhead Shark 50 Points

Lift a Hammerhead Shark

Pacific Sleeper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Pacific Sleeper Shark!

Perfect Crab Quiz 50 Points

Uncover 6 Crabs in a row!

Silky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Silky Shark!

Basking Shark 100 Points

Lift a Basking Shark!

Great Hammerhead Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great Hammerhead Shark

Great White Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great White Shark!

Greenland Shark 100 Points

Lift a Greenland Shark!

Hero Power 100 Points

Finish the game on brutal difficulty!

Longfin Mako Shark 100 Points

Lift a Longfin Mako Shark!

Megalodon 100 Points

Lift a Megalodon!

Tiger Shark 100 Points

Lift a Tiger Shark!

Whale Shark 100 Points

Lift a Whale Shark!

Slippery Delivery

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/155 points)

Delivery 5 Points

deliver 1 mail

Complete Delivery 100 Points

Deliver all mail

Mostly Delivered 50 Points

Deliver to every house

Space Huggers

Medals Earned: 1/19 (10/470 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

On A Roll 25 Points

Kill 2 enemies in one roll

Fire Water 10 Points

Put yourself out with water

Big Air 25 Points

Launch yourself 20 meters high

Demo Man 25 Points

Kill 3 enemies with one grenade

Terminator 100 Points

Kill 1000 enemies

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Beat Level One 5 Points

Finish the first level

Beat Level Two 10 Points

Finish the second level

Beat Level Three 25 Points

Finish the third level

Beat Level Four 50 Points

Finish the fourth level

Beat Level Five 100 Points

Finish the final level

Mobile Level One 5 Points

Finish level 1 on mobile device

Mobile Level Two 10 Points

Finish level 2 on mobile device

Mobile Level Three 10 Points

Finish level 3 on mobile device

Mobile Level Four 10 Points

Finish level 4 on mobile device

Mobile Level Five 25 Points

Finish level 5 on mobile device


Medals Earned: 3/6 (20/60 points)

Loading andy 5 Points

Load into the game

You do care... 5 Points

Listen to the scientists last words

Friend? 10 Points

Run into the scribble

Who turned off the lights? 10 Points

Turn off the power

MORTIS 5 Points


Payday 25 Points

Escape the facility

Xin's Commission Campaign

Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/165 points)


Go for a little cruise...

CHA CHING! 5 Points

Open your first chest


Find and commission plufmot


Find and commission Luis


Find and commission Stepford


Find and commission Levi Ramirez


Find and commission TeraVex


Find and commission VoicesByCorey

Yu Jammin

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/305 points)

You Are Jamming, Dude! 5 Points

Play Yu Jammin

Up And Coming 100 Points

Release your first track.

Shtunky 100 Points

Release a song that uses "snd_fartreverb"

World Star 100 Points

Release five different songs.